The pigeons remind me of my friends because we like to be together and stay in one group and we all like doing different things like the pigeons in this photo. Ethan Age 11

The flower represents natural beauty as the flower did not get surgery and isn't wearing make up. But is still amazingly beautiful. Aiesha Age 12

I used to play in this rock area all the time in kindy. It was exciting and sad at the same time. I missed my mum but liked being at school. Gabrielle Age 8

These hands reflect on our family. It shows how we connect and love one another so much. We all have to cooperate and love each other to be a family. I love my family so much. Lucinda Age 10

My shoe lace is undone, oh aren't they annoying. My shoe laces come undone all the time. Bilal Age 10

I have lots of friends and I like to make new ones. Ethan Age 11

I like my book because I read it every night and it helps me go to sleep. Bilal Age 10

This is my holy Quran and I love reading it because it brings me closer to my god. Bilal Age 10

This is where I lost my tooth. I was eating an apple and then I felt a hard thing in my apple. I spat it on the ground and then I felt my tooth was gone. I looked down to see where my tooth was because the hard thing was my tooth. I looked down and couldn't see my tooth because the gravel was covered with white stones the same size of my tooth. Now I still look for it. Then one day they put tar over it. But I still look for it. Ethan Age 11

Taking out my anger. Jaden Age 7

The drink can was squashed and it had sand and leaves on it. My brother squashes me too. Tyler Age 9

It's my bike. It's old but it still works. Jaden Age 7

My brother walking on a balance beam. Sometimes we have to follow whatever is under you. Tyler Age 9

The steps going up represent my journey of wonders. Tara Age 11

I want to get out but I can't. I feel stuck, held back, angry and frustrated and there's no one to help me. Tara Age 11

Smell bad, Smells good Dark and light Looks bad, Looks good Ugly and pretty Ethan Age 11

When I took this picture it meant two different things to me. Firstly, I thought this image refers to me and how I like to be independent. Through this image I can reflect on my individuality. Secondly, this image reflects on me being scared. I don't like being alone though I like my individuality. Lucinda Age 10

I can hide in my little hole when I'm upset. I want to curl up into a little ball. Tara Age 11

Darkness makes me feel scared and lonely. Tyler Age 9

The hallway is long and the door equals my goal and I am very far from the goal I want to achieve. Aiesha 12

I always stand alone and this tree is standing all alone and far from the other trees. Lesha Age 12

A door opening to a new experience and the light is guiding me, shining light on my path. Tara Age 11

A tree that means a lot to me. This tree has been growing for many years. As the new branches and leaves grow, it's like having new friends, more people to talk to. The tree has been growing in my backyard ever since I lived here. This tree is also surrounded by plants, which is keeping it safe. In other words, if I were the tree, I'd be surrounded by protective plants and flowers, etc. The tree grows roses on them in winter which also makes it special. Tara Age 11

I like to play with sticks and this one is big and strong like my daddy was. Jaden Age 7

The leaf is lonely like me. I feel alone and sad and have no friends. I have fallen from the tree. I am on the ground and my friends are still on the tree. Tara Age 11

If someone hurts my feelings I feel like this. Ethan Age 11

I'm glad I never feel lonely like this letter box. Nobody has looked at it for a long time. Ethan Age 11

Sometimes I feel surrounded by love. Tyler Age 9

Interior Jayden Age 12

Interior Jayden Age 12

Interior Jayden Age 12

Interior Jayden Age 12

Sometimes things don't work out the way I want them to. Ethan Age 11

On rainy days things change. Ethan Age 11

Rush Rush Rush Ethan Age 11

It's like standing at the edge of a ramp and having the courage, you jump into a new experience. Tara Age 11

Bondi Beach on a sunny day. Jessica Age 12

It was grey and there was no sunshine. Jessica Age 12

This picture makes me feel squished between two objects. Gabrielle Age 8

This picture makes me feel angry. Gabrielle Age 8

I like playing hide and seek in the park. Ethan Age 11

Sometimes I don't want to go anywhere. Ethan Age 11

This picture makes me want to dance. Gabrielle Age 8

This picture makes me want to save all the animals that are dying. Gabrielle Age 8

Waking, asleep, tired, calm, peaceful and happy. Michael Age 11