Besides being entertaining, CCCW's events
and activities provide opportunities to bring individuals, groups and communities together while offering a host of economic, social and health benefits to both clients and their communities.
The social benefits include strengthening community relations and providing opportunities for people to learn new things, and to foster a sense of personal and community pride through active participation, inclusion and meaningful engagement with their group or community.
Past and current events and activities include Orange Masala, Fashtech, Aesthetica, Interlude Youth Concert, Beat around the Bush, Chalk Art, Arts @ the Factory, Festival of Student Art Exhibition, Young Sparks Mural Project & Exhibition, Midnight Cafe Youth Arts, Tianjin Artist Group Cultural Day, Thai Chi event, Theatresports Challenge, Public Drumming, Music & Dance Performances, Martial Arts, Traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony, Market Stalls, Villages of the Heart Project, My story/ Our Story Exhibition, Digital Media Workshops.
To view CCCW events please click on the samples tab below