KidsXpress took a slightly new direction in 2010 by providing an amazing opportunity for children to express themselves through photography. Children were given a disposable camera to capture glimpses of life through their eyes. It’s a powerful event which shows the courage of children with emotions too big to deal with alone.
In August 2010 Robert Migliore of Actevate, was so deeply moved by a photography exhibition by mentally ill people in communities across Western NSW curated by Vince Lovecchio that he immediately wanted to replicate the project in Sydney through KidsXpress.
Twenty children who had completed the KidsXpress program were given a disposable camera and a notebook
to capture images and narratives of their lives. "This powerful event displayed the courage and healing of children with emotions too big too deal with alone. The
result was an extraordinary exhibition that honoured the child’s journey of self-discovery whilst displaying such rare insights into their world" said Robert.
"This experience opened up the world of possibility for children to tell their story through photography. The children were captivated and what resulted were images and comments back from the children that spellbound even the hardest of hearts at the KidsXpress Life thru a Lens Exhibit at the Art Gallery of NSW.
Life Through a Lens project, sponsored by Actevate, was opened by The Hon Linda Burney, MP at the Art
Gallery of NSW.
The message from this exhibition continues to touch and transform lives today. Life Through a Lens was again exhibited at Silver Pixel Studio, Newtown in October 2011.
KidsXpress is a dynamic expressive therapy program for children 4-14years old who have faced significant challenges, loss and or trauma in their lives.
Actevate is a leading authority and specialist provider of workplace injury prevention and management services.
Children offer snapshot of troubled lives
Reported by Ashleigh Raper ABC Friday19 February 2010